Essay and Personal Statement Support
Experienced and thorough support with any and all writing for higher education admission, grants, and scholarships.
Packages are inclusive of the entire writing process, from idea generation to final submission.
Are You:

The Worried Writer
You worry you don’t come across well on the page. You know you could do better, but you’re not sure how. You feel okay about your work for a while, but second guess yourself a day later.

The Scared Writer
You don’t even know where to begin! You may have had negative experiences with writing, such as a teacher who criticized your voice or ideas, and just didn’t “get” you. You’re not sure how to even answer the prompt or essay question because you don’t know what the reader is looking for.

The "Average Joe" Writer
You have no idea how you are unique. You think your life’s experience is average. You have no idea how to “sell” yourself without embellishing the truth.
That’s okay!
Most people fall into at least one, if not all, of these categories. I’m here to tell you that’s okay! It’s NORMAL, and you can still write an incredible, moving, memorable essay, and in a short amount of time. I’m here to get you there, no matter what kind of writer you are.

hi, i’m lexie
I, Lexie, am a professional writer. For the last six years, I’ve written TV and movies for a living. I’m pretty good at it (Deadline, Forbes, iHeart), which means I’m very good at making overwhelmed, burnt out readers:
- Care about the compelling characters and emotional stories I create,
- Want to keep reading a 60 -100 page script (when all they really want to do is put it down and start on the next one)
- Remember the story I’ve told long after they’ve moved on to the next hundred in their reading list.
I’ve spent a lifetime honing these skills because I love the work, but I know very well that not everyone does.
Most people fear writing, but it’s not magic. It’s a skill and a talent, and can be learned like any other.
The problem is, by the time you land on my page you likely don’t have the time to practice and get good all on your own. You’re busy with school, work, extracurriculars, and family obligations.
You need targeted, focused guidance from someone who already has the experience and skills, has been through this process with many other students, and can help you achieve the best essays on a hard deadline.
and how I tick.
My Program
My time-tested roadmap to help you hone your voice.
For Parents
Learn how I keep us on time and on track.
Free Consultation
You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Let’s see if we vibe.
Common App Early Decision Deadline
Common App Regular Deadline
Applications are due SOON! Let's Start!
The clock is ticking!
Let's have a 15-minute chat to figure out how to make your essay as compelling, genuine and memorable as possible!
And just for saying hello, I'll send you my video on the 2024-2025 Common App essay prompts.
Call or Text
Who calls anymore? I gotchu.
0803-454 (323)
I check this religiously.
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Like forms? Here's one. It'll be good practice.